Electricity 101Energy Savings

Save Electricity by Switching to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

For many working class families, essential items on the family budget include housing costs (mortgage payments or rent), utilities, food, and child care. After paying for these items, you also have the car payment and insurance. It can be difficult to save any money at all. Especially when you consider all the other expenses such as clothing, dining out and vacations. But, saving on small things like energy efficient light bulbs can add up.

In this article, we estimate how much savings an average family could realize merely by switching to energy efficient light bulbs. We consider the following:

(a) What is the average cost of electricity in the United States?
(b) What is the average electricity usage for a typical working class family?
(c) How do energy-efficient light bulbs compare to traditional bulbs?
(d) How much could a typical working class family save with energy-efficient light bulbs?

The average cost of electricity in the United States is about $0.12 per kWh (kilowatt-hour). Though this number can vary widely from one region to the next, that’s the national average.

To determine how much an average working family spends on electricity, assume that the annual household income is about $70,000. From the US Consumer Survey, the annual household income is broken down as follows:

  • 16% for housing
  • 14% for transportation
  • 12% for taxes
  • 11% for utilities
  • 10% for food
  • The remaining 37% for miscellaneous expenses such as social security contributions, healthcare, savings, etc.

The annual cost for utilities is 11% of $70,000, which is $7,700. According to numerous surveys, the annual household consumption is about 11,720 kWh, and this equates to about $1,400 per year. This is a conservative estimate, because in many parts of the United States, annual utility costs are closer to $3,000.

For a working class family, $3,000 is a meaningful amount of money, because it amounts to about $250 each month. If this amount could be reduced even by $15 – $20 per month, that’s money in the bank.

How energy efficient light bulbs help in saving electricity cost?

Energy Efficient Light BulbsHere is the good news. Since the year 2012, better energy efficient light bulbs have become available to the consumer. They exist as halogen incandescent lamps, CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps), and LEDs (light emitting diodes). Just by replacing 15 traditional bulbs, a homeowner saves about $50 per year.

On the average, a typical household has 45 light bulbs rated at 75 watts. When these traditional light bulbs are replaced by energy efficient light bulbs, the savings is about $180 per year. To the frugally minded, this savings is meaningful. It adds up to a significant amount over the years. In addition, energy efficient light bulbs are better for the environment.

To learn more about saving on electricity costs, contact U.S. Electrical Services at https://usesi.com.