How Significant is the Electric Meter?
If you are a homeowner, the following questions may interest you.
a) Where is my electric meter?
b) Am I being billed correctly for my use of electricity?
c) How could I legally reduce my monthly electricity bills?
Where is my electric meter?
The electric meter is an instrument or device that measures the amount of electricity consumed in the home. Readings from the meter are usually recorded on a monthly basis by the energy supplier in order to correctly bill the customer for the service.
The meter is normally installed outside the home. This maintains privacy for the customer, and convenience for the energy provider to read the meter without entering the home.
Electric meters are fairly easy to identify because energy readings, designated in kWh (kilowatt-hours) are displayed as black letters on a white background on the meter, in either analog or digital form.
Are you being billed correctly for your use of electricity?
To understand whether you are being billed correctly for your use of electricity, it is necessary to be aware of two factors:
(a) Are you on a budget plan? If you are, your monthly bill is based on your total energy used the previous year, divided by 12. This creates an estimated monthly amount for you to pay.
(b) Do you pay as you go? If so, you may pay higher monthly bills for the use of air conditioning if you experience hot summers, and less for heating if you experience mild winters.
Do not be tempted to purchase and use electronic gadgets that tamper with accurate electric meter readings. Utility companies are sophisticated enough to detect tampering, which is a crime.
How could I legally reduce my electric bills?
There are many useful steps you can take to reduce your electric bills. Below we discuss a few important ones:
a) Shop for your energy provider, and select the one that charges less per kWh.
b) Provide good insulation for the home. The cost of doing so will be recovered through energy savings.
c) Use gas for heating and cooking because it costs less than electric heating. However, the use of gas requires extra safety measures.
d) Invest in solar power to provide supplementary energy, if you can afford it.
e) Wash laundry with cold water when possible.
f) Turn on fans to reduce the use of air conditioning.
g) Use energy efficient light bulbs.
Learn all about your electric meter
Energy experts are available to help you make wise and informed decisions on the efficient use of electricity. One expert to consider is U.S. Electrical Services, Inc. With a wide breadth of knowledge in this sector, USESI partners with customers for better products and services at affordable prices. Please visit