General Interest

UT/GIS offers H2Volt for Water Feature Testing

Utility Testing and Geographic Information Systems (UT/GIS) has recently released H2Volt, the first standardized contact voltage safety testing program for pools, marinas, and other public water features.

The H2Volt is a routine maintenance program with multiple testing procedures to ensure that these water features adhere to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Guide, IEEE-1695™. The first step, which labeled as the “dry side” test, will inspect all the equipment, devices and accessories that do not have a direct contact with water. The second step, which they call “wet side” testing, will check all the things that have direct contact to water, including the Alternating and Direct Current, to ensure that it won’t cause electrical shocks or electrical shock drowning (ESD), which is a common accident in these properties. The procedure will be done several times to additionally pinpoint potential trouble spots.

“To the best of our knowledge, H2Volt is the first electrical safety testing program based on the new Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Guide, IEEE-1695™,” said UTGIS owner Mark Voigtsberger. “1695 addresses a number of different stray and contact voltage testing protocols, including pool and marina testing.” Voigtsberger points out that IEEE-1695 is not a mandatory standard, but does represent years of work and research on the subject.

UT/GIS is based in Port St Lucie, Florida.